Jol, Cacheu, Guinea-Bissau is a City, Geo Entity, Locality located at Jol, Cacheu, Guinea-Bissau in Cacheu, Guinea-Bissau. The currency used in the region is Franc (XOF). The time zone of the region is Africa/Dakar with a UTC/GMT offset of +0:00. Daylight saving time not currently in effect at this location
Address: | Jol, Cacheu, Guinea-Bissau |
Facebook: | |
Latitude: | 12° 11' 56.04" N |
Longitude: | 15° 46' 59.16" W |
Time zone: | Africa/Dakar |
UTC offsets: | UTC/GMT +0:00 |
State: | Cacheu |
A: Jol, Cacheu, Guinea-Bissau offers City, Geo Entity, Locality service.
A: The address of Jol, Cacheu, Guinea-Bissau is Jol, Cacheu, Guinea-Bissau.
A: It is best to contact Jol, Cacheu, Guinea-Bissau directly to schedule an appointment and inquire about their availability.
A: The Facebook page of Jol, Cacheu, Guinea-Bissau is
A: Jol, Cacheu, Guinea-Bissau operates in the state Cacheu, the Time zone is Africa/Dakar.
A: The length of time that Jol, Cacheu, Guinea-Bissau has been in business may vary, and it is best to contact them directly to inquire about their history and experience.
A: The latitude of the Jol, Cacheu, Guinea-Bissau's location is 12.1989, The longitude is -15.7831.
Latitude: | 12.1989 |
Longitude: | -15.7831 |
UTM Zone: | 28P |
UTM(E): | 414813.0251607074 |
UTM(N): | 1348670.7832475302 |
Time Zone: | Africa/Dakar |
GeoHash: | edhv2uepepg8u |