Net à Sec is a Laundromat located at La City Ankorondrano, Antananarivo, Madagascar in Antananarivo, Madagascar. The currency used in the region is Ariary (MGA). The time zone of the region is Indian/Antananarivo with a UTC/GMT offset of +3:00. Daylight saving time not currently in effect at this location
Address: | La City Ankorondrano, Antananarivo, Madagascar |
Facebook: | |
Latitude: | 18° 52' 29.1102" S |
Longitude: | 47° 31' 8.7471" E |
Time zone: | Indian/Antananarivo |
UTC offsets: | UTC/GMT +3:00 |
State: | Antananarivo |
A: Net à Sec offers Laundromat service.
A: The address of Net à Sec is La City Ankorondrano, Antananarivo, Madagascar.
A: It is best to contact Net à Sec directly to schedule an appointment and inquire about their availability.
A: The Facebook page of Net à Sec is
A: Net à Sec operates in the state Antananarivo, the Time zone is Indian/Antananarivo.
A: The length of time that Net à Sec has been in business may vary, and it is best to contact them directly to inquire about their history and experience.
A: The latitude of the Net à Sec's location is -18.8747528236, The longitude is 47.5190964272.
Latitude: | -18.8747528236 |
Longitude: | 47.5190964272 |
UTM Zone: | 38K |
UTM(E): | 765400.4384324041 |
UTM(N): | 7911142.496983721 |
Time Zone: | Indian/Antananarivo |
GeoHash: | mh9u97fqe5n3y |