Water Villas, Constance Halaveli is a Island, Hotel Resort located at Constance Halaveli, Mahibadhoo, Maldives in Other, Maldives. The currency used in the region is Rufiyaa (MVR). The time zone of the region is Indian/Maldives with a UTC/GMT offset of +5:00. Daylight saving time not currently in effect at this location
Address: | Constance Halaveli, Mahibadhoo, Maldives |
Facebook: | https://www.facebook.com/290002024964324 |
Latitude: | 4° 02' 20.7819" N |
Longitude: | 72° 55' 12.2713" E |
Time zone: | Indian/Maldives |
UTC offsets: | UTC/GMT +5:00 |
State: | Other |
A: Water Villas, Constance Halaveli offers Island, Hotel Resort service.
A: The address of Water Villas, Constance Halaveli is Constance Halaveli, Mahibadhoo, Maldives.
A: It is best to contact Water Villas, Constance Halaveli directly to schedule an appointment and inquire about their availability.
A: The Facebook page of Water Villas, Constance Halaveli is https://www.facebook.com/290002024964324
A: Water Villas, Constance Halaveli operates in the state Other, the Time zone is Indian/Maldives.
A: The length of time that Water Villas, Constance Halaveli has been in business may vary, and it is best to contact them directly to inquire about their history and experience.
A: The latitude of the Water Villas, Constance Halaveli's location is 4.03910608989, The longitude is 72.9200753619.
Latitude: | 4.03910608989 |
Longitude: | 72.9200753619 |
UTM Zone: | 43N |
UTM(E): | 269076.9275090476 |
UTM(N): | 446745.33312533976 |
Time Zone: | Indian/Maldives |
GeoHash: | t8eygr6c2zvn7 |