Dunbar Properties for Sale, Rent and Wanted. is a Establishment, Real Estate located at Lochend, EH42 1GH Dunbar, East Lothian, United Kingdom in East Lothian, United Kingdom. The currency used in the region is Pound (GBP). The time zone of the region is Europe/London with a UTC/GMT offset of +1:00. Daylight saving time currently in effect at this location
Address: | Lochend, EH42 1GH Dunbar, East Lothian, United Kingdom |
Facebook: | https://www.facebook.com/Dunbar-Properties-for-Sale-Rent-and-Wanted-831776066836937/ |
Latitude: | 55° 59' 39.84" N |
Longitude: | 2° 30' 38.52" W |
Time zone: | Europe/London |
UTC offsets: | UTC/GMT +1:00 |
State: | East Lothian |
A: Dunbar Properties for Sale, Rent and Wanted. offers Establishment, Real Estate service.
A: The address of Dunbar Properties for Sale, Rent and Wanted. is Lochend, EH42 1GH Dunbar, East Lothian, United Kingdom.
A: It is best to contact Dunbar Properties for Sale, Rent and Wanted. directly to schedule an appointment and inquire about their availability.
A: The Facebook page of Dunbar Properties for Sale, Rent and Wanted. is https://www.facebook.com/Dunbar-Properties-for-Sale-Rent-and-Wanted-831776066836937/
A: Dunbar Properties for Sale, Rent and Wanted. operates in the state East Lothian, the Time zone is Europe/London.
A: The length of time that Dunbar Properties for Sale, Rent and Wanted. has been in business may vary, and it is best to contact them directly to inquire about their history and experience.
A: The latitude of the Dunbar Properties for Sale, Rent and Wanted.'s location is 55.9944, The longitude is -2.5107.
Latitude: | 55.9944 |
Longitude: | -2.5107 |
UTM Zone: | 30U |
UTM(E): | 530520.8454160591 |
UTM(N): | 6205564.35941898 |
Time Zone: | Europe/London |
GeoHash: | gcynwc7z02wqs |